For a Defensive Democracy
Right-wing extremism, hatred and hostility to democracy have no place in our society. Germany has a massive problem with right-wing extremism, which threatens our coexistence. We must take consistent action against right-wing violence and strengthen educational work against all forms of extremism.

The resignations of Marco Wanderwitz and Yvonne Magwas, among others, have moved me. Despite all political differences, their courageous campaign for an AfD ban deserves the greatest respect. Such a ban would send a clear signal: right-wing extremism, hatred and hostility to democracy have no place in our society. But a ban alone is not enough. Germany has a massive problem with right-wing extremism, which threatens our coexistence. We must take consistent action against right-wing violence and strengthen educational work against all forms of extremism. Initiatives that campaign against hatred on a daily basis need financial security and legal protection. Despite threats, I will not allow myself to be intimidated. While we recently traveled all over the Free State to put up posters, distribute flyers and talk to people, a feeling of uncertainty remains after the state elections. About how the right-wing is becoming increasingly stronger, society is being divided and many volunteers are also withdrawing. I want to do something to counteract this. As the first Saxon with a migration background in the Bundestag, I would like to show my parents' generation what we have achieved and pave the way for those who come after me. I hope that many more children from working-class and immigrant families will experience being able to raise their voices for our democracy in the German Bundestag. "This is a good Germany, the best that we know," Navid Kermani once said. This country is not perfect, but it gives us the freedom to work on making it better. Let us build this Germany together, a cosmopolitan and solidarity-based society.