
Kassem Taher Saleh

Hello, Salam & Merhaba!

My name is Kassem Taher Saleh and I am a member of the 20th German Bundestag for the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group and for Dresden. In 2025, I would like to continue on my path with my vision of a future-proof and sustainable construction policy and a fair Dresden full of motivation.

Kassem in Dresden

A Dresdner of the world

Imagine that you come to a country as a child whose language and history you do not know – and whose future suddenly becomes yours. This is how my story began: When I was ten years old, my Kurdish family fled to Germany from Saddam Hussein's dictatorship. We ended up in an old barracks in Plauen – three rooms, six people. That was our first home. Even before I could speak German, I leafed through the "father and son" pictures by Erich Ohser in the pharmacy booklets while my mother marveled at the full medicine shelves. I learned the language on the soccer field, from helpful neighbors and later in the novels of Erich Kästner. Like Emil from "Emil and the Detectives," I wanted to find my way in a new world – and found allies in the process. From Plauen, my path led me to Dresden. Here I studied civil engineering, worked on construction sites and spent my Saturdays in the Rudolf Harbig Stadium. Dresden taught me what solidarity means: supporting each other and taking responsibility. These values ​​shape my work as a member of the Bundestag - and that is precisely why it is important to me to give something back.

My Highlights

My speeches in the Bundestag

Overview of my speeches on my topics in the German Bundestag.

Highlight Rede im Bundestag

I am on TikTok

Follow me there for more insights into federal politics! ​

Kassem Taher Saleh in front of the Reichstag dome

Sachse, Grüner, Flüchtling - He let's it happen

A portrait at t-online about my summer in the Saxony

Kassem Taher Saleh: "Ist er einer von uns oder nicht? Das ist hier extrem wichtig." (Quelle: Johannes Bebermeier/t-online)

My topics

For a Defensive Democracy

Für eine wehrhafte Demokratie

For sustainable construction and affordable housing

Für nachhaltiges Bauen und bezahlbares Wohnen

For Saxony

Für Sachsen